Masahiro Sakurai is a Japanese video game director, game designer, and songwriter. He is best known for the creation of HAL Laboratory's Kirby and Super Smash Bros. series and for the revival of the Kid Icarus series. Sakurai created the character...
Masahiro Sakurai Birthday Home Events Events on 3 August Masahiro SakuraiBirthday Masahiro Sakurai was born on 3 August, 1970 Japanese video game designer, writer and director famous for creating popular games such asSuper Smash Bros.series andKirby....
"Push and pull is the very core of game essence" - Masahiro Sakurai has posted his latest video on the process of creating games, this time focusing on the c...
Masahiro Sakurai, the director and game designer forKirbyandSuper Smash Bros., has launched his own YouTube that will be focused on video game development an design. "I want to try and help make games around the world a little more fun," said Sakurai. "And don't worry, you ...
In one of the final planned episodes of his YouTube channel, Sakurai says it wouldn't be right to end the series without discussing Satoru Iwata's impact on him.
Now that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch is finally complete, creator Masahiro Sakurai discusses the future of the franchise and whether he’ll still be involved moving forward.
Sakurai-san specifically praised Steam's rating and feedback system, which discourages people from voting down a game simply out of spite; only those who have purchased a game are allowed to rate it, paving the way for more constructive feedback. On top of this, he...
Fire Emblem is my fave Nintendo series outside of Smash, with Radiant Dawn being my first and fave FE, thanks to Ike being in Brawl. Thank you Sakurai for still keeping Ike in Smash 4, too. Still want to get myself a copy of Path of Radiance too, if only it wasn't for the...