Before using CeL eServices to prepare and submit the company’s application or lodgment, please read the Guidelines on Licensing, Registration and Conduct of Business for Fund Management Companies (SFA 04-G05). These Guidelines and relevant Notices set out the admission criteria and other on-going...
of Claudia Sheinbaum as president in June, and the potential impact her reform agenda may have on the private sector. In Brazil, equities underperformed and the Brazilian real declined as the central bank battled inflation and worries mounted over the government’s spending and fiscal management....
Monetary policy One of the MAS’ chief roles is to set and maintain the monetary policy for the city. As the state’s banker, it issues currency and sells government bonds to fund public spending. The MAS also manages the city’s foreign reserves to keep the Singapore dollar (SGD) fix...
MAS Effects Enhanced Regulatory Regime for Fund Management on 7 August 2012Stephanie Magnus
Effective risk management is necessary for long-term success in day trading. Many traders ignore risk management guidelines, exposing themselves to undue risk. Always use stop-loss orders to minimize possible losses on trades, and stick to strict risk-reward ratios. Additionally, diversify your tradi...
Management, announced that on 2 June 2017, its indirect wholly-owned Singapore-based subsidiary Tai United Asset Management Pte. Ltd. ("Tai United Asset Management") has been approved by the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS") as a Registered Fund Management Company (...