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(pronounced "LEAN") A lien is a legal claim on property that guarantees the payment of a debt. The creditor might be able to take over the property if the debt is not paid. To pay all or part of the debt, the creditor might be able sell the property. A judgment for money is a ...
Sanders still might impress on Super Tuesday. Or Joe Biden might rise again, or Elizabeth Warren. Or even, heaven help us, that billionaire, Mike Bloomberg. (I can’t claim impartiality, by the way. The thought of Bloomberg buying the White House sets my hair on fire.) It bears repeatin...
(b)FacilityNAICSCode: 6)Doyoupay:□IncomeTax □InsurancePremiums Tax □FinancialInstitutionFranchise Tax 7)FacilityAddress:___ ___ ProjectInformation 8)IntentDate:9)EffectiveDateofStart-uporExpansion: 10)CountyProjectislocatedin: 11)LocatedinaPFA(pleasecheckallthatapply): □StateEnterpriseZone□Federal...