Target shooting is permitted only at designated shooting ranges. The use of hunting dogs is permitted. Possession or use of hunting devices is prohibited in state forests and state parks outside of regular open hunting seasons. On Chesapeake Forest Lands an individual may not hunt within 150 yar...
Private landowners with regulated shooting areas (RSA) and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have released up to 120,000 handreared mallards (Anas platvrhvnchosl a year. Duck harvest on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) included 30,18, and 6 percent state mallards and 6, 10...
Fringetree is dioecious but is known to have perfect flowers on occasion. (To learn more about these terms visit my blog post aboutmaples.) The species ranges from eastern Texas east and north up into southern New England, and is one of only twoChionanthusspecies native to the US (the ot...