The U.S. Naval Academy 美国海军军官学校 was founded in 1845 at Annapolis. Annapolis is Maryland’s capital. Before the Civil War, Maryland was a slave state. It did not secede from the Union 联邦政府 , however, to become part of the Confe...
Revolutionary War Soldiers Hessians Hessian Soldiers Battles & Battlegrounds of the Revolution Stamp Act Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Boston Faneuil Hall Concord Lexington Battle of Lexington Bunker Hill Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Long Island Battle of Trenton Trenton Battle Battle of Saratoga...
In November, I: Scrambled over rocks with Mike at Billy Goat Trail along the Potomac River. Went with Mike for our 27th anniversary (or 20th) to the corner where three states meet: Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Visited Elmwood Cemetery where countless Confederate soldiers from the Battl...
–The “War Between The States” was fought over states’ rights and self-determination, not slavery –Southern military leaders were superior to Northerners, both in character and in skill –The Southern soldiers had an élan and dash that was lacking in the soldiers of the industrial North ...
Maryland became the 7th state to join the new country, with Annapolis as the state capital. In 1791, Washington D.C. was created from land donated by Maryland, and became the nation's permanent capital. Several battles from the War of 1812 were fought in Maryland. British soldiers raided...
Baltimore was excited by the approach of British soldiers in 1780, prompting General Greene to report that Baltimore was in ‘so defenseless a state that a twenty-gun ship might lay the town under contribution.’ In July 1783, the veterans returned from the war, ‘penniless and in rags,’ ...
Babies? Of course the adult lives, and the soldiers’ lives, matter too; but thinking of it in terms of the children forces us to face the horrible reality of what those bombs did. But it ended the war, prevented the invasion, and in the end saved thousands of lives, right?
(hardly an appropriate word) that fell to the females of the domicile. The shift away from women as brewers can be seen in colonial America with the build up to war. A need to supply our Revolutionary troops with daily rations of beer (1 qt. of spruce beer per day to be precise) ...
Several battles from the War of 1812 were fought in Maryland. British soldiers raided towns along the Chesapeake Bay, defeated Americans in the Battle of Bladensburg, and burned the Capitol and other government buildings in Washington D.C. On Sept. 12, they attacked Baltimore and fired on Fort...