Third, Brady requires relatively little discovery, though statutes and rules have broadened discovery beyond the constitutional minimum. Much broader discovery would alleviate many of the adversary system's problems, at the cost of more witness intimidation, fabricated alibis, and revelation of under...
While you are on a fishing trip or just enjoying recreational boating, you need to be aware of marine rules and strictly observe them. Also, it is crucial to be prepared since the water environment is inherently dangerous especially when a boating accident occurs. Drowning and serious injuries ...
Attorneys love rules. And our adversarial legal system functions best when both sides understand and follow common rules. So one Maryland appellate rule has always confounded me because it is routinely construed as meaning theoppositeof what it apparently says. Rule 8-501(c) plainly states that ...
3.FederalRuleofCriminalProcedure11,5 4.AmericanCollegeofTrialLawyers’proposal,6 5.DepartmentofJustice’sresponsetotheACTL’sproposal,6 6.SummaryofAdvisoryCommittee’sandDepartmentofJustice’s workonamendingRule16,6 B.SummaryofFindings,7 II.U.S.DistrictCourtRulesandPoliciesAddressingBradyMaterial,9 ...
The State may thus face a formidable task on remand. However, the Maryland courts are better equipped than are we to review the record.See, e.g., Buie v. State,314 Md., at 155, n. 2, 550 A.2d at 81, n. 2 (discussing state law rules restricting review of the record on appeal...
To file a lawsuit in Maryland, the plaintiff must prepare a written complaint that complies with Maryland's rules of civil procedure. They must then file the complaint in the appropriate court. This means in the appropriate type of court (generally distr
There are no set rules on who will automatically get custody of the children. In Maryland, like many other states, the one ultimate standard in determining custody is what is in “the best interest of the child.” There are statutory factors that the court must consider to determine the bes...
Later found out I had laryngopharyngeal reflux and had a STRETTA procedure to tighten my wide-open lower esophageal sphincter, with little relief. Watched as COVID ran rampant through America under an utter lack of leadership from our criminal-in-chief who continually called it a “hoax,” ...
Rules. (ii)ImposedormodifiedasentenceinviolationoftheMaryland (3)(i)Inacaseinvolvingacrimeofviolenceasdefinedin§14-101of (continued...)appelleefiledaconditionalcross-petition.ThisCourtgrantedbothpetitionsonMarch11, 2004.Statev.Raines,380Md.230, 844 A.2d 427 (2004). We issued our order and ...
How to get medical marijuana in Maryland To get medical marijuana in Maryland, you will need a certified physician to recommend medical marijuana for treatment of certain medical conditions. The Maryland Medical Marijuana rules have yet to be approved. Once the... ...