Jurisdiction is the combination of rules that determines which court hears a case. Jurisdiction may be personal jurisdiction or subject matter jurisdiction. In Maryland, subject matter jurisdiction to hear custody and visitation cases lies with the Circuit Courts. A child custody case requires that The...
If you are the owner of property, the court will send notice of the lien to any circuit court that has jurisdiction. Circuit court will "attach" or record the lien to your property in order to notify the plaintiff that you owe money. This lien could affect your ability sell or obtain a...
MR. JUSTICE DAY delivered the opinion of the Court. This case originates in a bill filed by the State of Maryland, October 12, 1891, against the State of West Virginia, invoking the original jurisdiction of this Court, conferred by the Constitution for the settlement of controversies between ...
Maryland Circuit CourtsIn fiscal year 2014, 43 percent of all cases filed in Maryland's trial court of general jurisdiction (the circuit court) were family law cases (Court OperationsBabb, Barbara A.Danziger, GloriaHong-Polansky, Michele
the defendant has previously failed to appear for court, is in custody in another jurisdiction or is a danger to the community or the victim. This creates a logical layer of protection against false arrests that lawmakers and prosecutors have largely ignored for decades. In cases where a warrant...
Circuit Courts in Marylandare the courts of general jurisdiction, meaning that every type of case that cannot be heard by districts courts can be heard in circuit courts. As far as cases seeking damages go, the rules are slightly complicated. If a case seeks: ...
CircuitCourtforMontgomeryCounty CriminalCase#98303 INTHECOURTOFAPPEALSOF MARYLAND No.129 SeptemberTerm,2003 StateofMaryland v. CharlesRaines Bell,C.J.RakerWilnerCathellHarrellBattagliaGreene, JJ. OpinionbyCathell,J. RakerandWilner,JJ.,concurBell,C.J.,HarrellandGreene,JJ.,dissent ...
In 2015, Baltimore County became the first Maryland county to adopt Simplifile’s e-recording service. Baltimore County began using Simplifile as part of the Baltimore County Circuit Court’s e-recording pilot, which was created for recording customers to conveniently and securely e-record land re...
Send the Petition for Change of Name, together with a certified copy of your birth certificate and the appropriate filing fee, to the clerk of the statecircuit courtwith jurisdiction over your county of residence. The filing fee varies by county. The court will publish a notice in a newspaper...
“Decree of partition (a) A circuit court may decree a partition of any property, either legal or equitable, on the bill or petition of any joint tenant, tenant in common, parcener, or concurrent owner, whether claiming by descent or purchase. If it appears that the property cannot be di...