Circuit Courts in Marylandare the courts of general jurisdiction, meaning that every type of case that cannot be heard by districts courts can be heard in circuit courts. As far as cases seeking damages go, the rules are slightly complicated. If a case seeks: Damages of less than $5,000,...
“Decree of partition (a) A circuit court may decree a partition of any property, either legal or equitable, on the bill or petition of any joint tenant, tenant in common, parcener, or concurrent owner, whether claiming by descent or purchase. If it appears that the property cannot be di...
CircuitCourtforMontgomeryCounty CriminalCase#98303 INTHECOURTOFAPPEALSOF MARYLAND No.129 SeptemberTerm,2003 StateofMaryland v. CharlesRaines Bell,C.J.RakerWilnerCathellHarrellBattagliaGreene, JJ. OpinionbyCathell,J. RakerandWilner,JJ.,concurBell,C.J.,HarrellandGreene,JJ.,dissent ...