skip to main content mary-kate and ashley olsen find a home for the row in paris september 23, 2024 photo: courtesy of the row save save it is a gloriously sunny september morning in paris, and something about rue du mont thabor—an anonymous street sandwiched between rue de rivoli, in...
halard was busy shooting the still-in-flux interiors for the images you see here; and, at the center of it all, projecting an aura of 100 percent calm and concentration, though also reverberating with a barely sublimated nervous anticipation, were mary-kate and ashley olsen . everyone nee...
姐妹花创始人 Ashley Olsen 和 Mary-Kate Olsen 在 2006 年成立 The Row 时,首推的七个作品中就有 T 恤,自此该单品便在品牌系列作品扮演着难以替代的核心角色。The Row的基础款凭借出色的剪裁和质感脱颖而出,Olsen姐妹深知品质上乘的基础款对于风格的塑造至关重要,能低调又时髦地配衬各种衣装,是衣橱里不可或...
但推动 The Row 出人意料的成功的,是 Mary-Kate 的创造性阴(“她有精神、品味和现代性,”设计师Karl Lagerfeld在Vogue中指出。“她以自己的方式混合香奈儿”)和 Ashley 的创业阳之间的密切关系(当她十几岁的时候,比五分钟大的阿尔法双胞胎将玛莎斯图尔特命名为名利场的偶像, “因为,就像她在她的品牌中创造的一切...
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Brown, Laura
The Ashley & Mary-Kate interview you need to read: The Elizabeth & James designers open up about fashion, style, working together and new luxury
How Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have evolved since their "Full House" days. By Hannah Malach Dec 19, 2024, 3:17pm Icon Linkgallery iconview gallery FashionFashion Show Reviews The Row Spring 2025: Less Is More, More, More Flush with new investment, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen showed a tig...
The Row was established in 2006 by Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen. first based out of Los Angeles, the brand grew fast finding its home in New York City. Named in reverence of London’s Savile Row, the fashion house emulates the bespoke institution’s
@Mary Kate Olsen & Ashley Olsen Olsen姐妹大家应该都不陌生,姐姐Ashley Olsen和妹妹Mary-Kate Olsen从小就是童星,9个月大就在出现在电视上。 两双大眼睛和绿色的瞳孔,灵气又天真的微笑深受美国观众的喜爱。 而长大了的姐妹俩也总是形影不离,成为上世纪末最受欢迎的美国青春偶像。