Mary Poppins: Directed by Robert Stevenson. With Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson, Glynis Johns. In turn of the century London, a magical nanny employs music and adventure to help two neglected children become closer to their father.
Mary Poppins 欢乐满人间 Winds in the east, mist coming in 风起东方,薄雾涌来 Like something is brewing, about to begin 那些酝酿已久的,即将要发生 Can't put my finger on what lies in store 我不能明确指出,究竟会是如何 But I feel what's to happen...
"You can't improve on that, and we know that. The goal is there are eight books by [author] PL Travers, there are some amazing Mary Poppins stories that haven't made it to the screen." Mary Poppins Returns is set in 1930s London, two decades after the original, with the famous na...
Her knowledge, humor, and passion of both Mary Poppins movies made this a wonderful tour. it was great to see the spots where some of the sequel was filmed. I had only seen the new movie once so I was worried I wouldn't get that much out of this tour but Lucy did a great job ...
Mary Poppins From Wednesday, December 11th, until Saturday, January 11th, Bord Gáis Energy Theatre, Dublin, 7.30pm, €75/€60, The world’s favourite fictional nanny arrives at a house on Cherry Tree Lane in London and transforms ...
Mary Poppins: Stefanie Jones as the titular character sings with cast members in the Christmas musical at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre, Dublin. Photograph: Daniel Boud When he was learning to do it, the first step was “an apparatus here on the ground tha...
Fresh off the back of Maleficent and Cinderella, Disney's movie remakes division has set its sights on Mary Poppins, with a new sequel now in the works.Chicago director Rob Marshall is partnering with Disney for a new version of the beloved 1964 musical film, which originally starred Julie ...
Mary Poppins: Regia di Robert Stevenson. Con Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson, Glynis Johns. All'inizio del secolo a Londra, una tata magica utilizza musica e avventura per aiutare due bambini ad avvicinarsi dal loro padre.
Mary Poppins: Regia di Robert Stevenson. Con Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson, Glynis Johns. All'inizio del secolo a Londra, una tata magica utilizza musica e avventura per aiutare due bambini ad avvicinarsi dal loro padre.
Mary Poppins: Directed by Robert Stevenson. With Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson, Glynis Johns. In turn of the century London, a magical nanny employs music and adventure to help two neglected children become closer to their father.