Elements of Gothic Fiction included: Virginal Maiden –check! Our heroine, Caterina (Cadi), daughter of a half-Italian mother and sturdy Cornish fisherman father, is young (late teens), beautiful, pure, innocent, kind, virtuous and sensitive. And (spoiler alert!) she does turn out to be th...
Back in the kitchen, I head to the counter, where the white Formica seems harsher than usual under the pale overhead light. I fish around in the cabinet, shoving the bottle of Bacardi out of the way. If any more of the rum goes missing, my mother will notice, and I’ve never been...
He helped her up behind him and immediately they were galloping, out across the mountain-side of the town’s white fences, out to the prairie’s tides washed up against sudden reefs, where there were no fences, only the smell of sage and pine, the ice-cold splash of rock-strewn creeks...
With a still more ardent zeal for piety, religion and love, let them continue to venerate, invoke and pray to the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, conceived without original sin. Let them fly with utter confidence to this most sweet Mother of mercy and grace in all dangers, ...
Mary refused to take the oath as it would mean renouncing her mother, Catherine of Aragon. On hearing this news, Anne Boleyn apparently said that the "cursed bastard" should be given "a good banging". Henry told Cranmer that he had decided to send her to the Tower of London, and if ...
« Shall we go as far as our house? A surprise for my mother… » asks James. « No. I do not know whether I can get Marjiam to come. Before… before… Well, yes! Before going to Jerusalem – we were still at Ephraim – the Lord told me th...
Meanwhile, Bregovy lived on Damen Avenue, just like that attractive young ghost with whom Jerry Palus danced in 1939 said she did. Was it Bregovy's house that Palus visited—only for Bregovy's mother to tell him her daughter was five years dead?
No, this blog is not about cats. I really wanted to call it gee-skwee, but it turns out the term my mother used throughout her life for off-kilter doesn’t exist outside of my memories. Online I found the term skew-gee so perhaps the flip-flopped version explains a lot about my...
My mother does so regularly. She encloses a postal card and all I have to do is to mail [pg 103] it and there she is answered. It's a great scheme which I proudly invented when I first went away to school and I recommend it to you if you—if you ever have a mother. How ...
Let it be that great strong land of love. Where never kings connive nor tyrants’ scheme. Than any man be crushed by one above. It was never America to me….” Langston Hughes, 1902 -1967. There was no America for my mother the last 6 years. This is a pain cut much deeper ...