抹大拉的玛利亚(Mary Magdalene):在《圣经·新约》中,被描写为耶稣的女追随者。耶稣传道时,与其一起的除了十二个门徒以外,还有他所医治的几个妇女,抹大拉的玛利亚就是其中一位(路加福音 8:1-2)。耶稣治好…
The Gospel of Philip has been cited for the idea that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. Much of the Gospel of Philip is dedicated to a discussion of marriage as a sacred mystery, and two passages directly refer to Mary Magdalene and her close relationship with Jesus: There were three who always...
圣抹大拉的玛利亚 Mary Magdalene, St. (单词翻译:单击) 活动时期西元1世纪 耶稣的信徒之一,第一个看到复活后的基督的人。根据〈路加福音〉第8章第2节和〈马可福音〉第16章第9节记载∶耶稣从她身上赶走七鬼。她陪同耶稣到加利利,目睹了他受刑和被埋葬的过程。在复活节这天早上,她与另外两名妇女去为耶稣的尸...
Jesuscleansed1her of sevendemons2. She accompanied him in Galilee, and she witnessed his crucifixion and burial. On Easter morning she went with two other women to anoint thecorpse3and found the tomb empty. Christ later appeared to her and instructed her to tell the...
Jesus Appears to Mary MagdaleneJohn 2011 向抹大拉的马利亚显现(太28:9-10;可16:9-11)马利亚站在坟墓外面哭泣。她哭的时候,屈身往里面观看, 12 看见两个身穿白衣的天使,坐在安放耶稣身体的地方,一个在头那边,一个在脚那边。 13 天使问她:“妇人,你为什么哭?”她说:“有人把我的主搬走了,我不知道...
Mary Magdalene was at the cross when Jesus died. 当耶稣死时﹐玛利亚玛达肋纳在十字架下. 互联网 To make matters worse, Jesus has begun consorting with disreputable people like Mary Magdalene, a prostitute. 耶稣开始安慰一些像是马利亚这样名誉不好的妓女,而这样的行为似乎让事情变的更糟. 互联网 What ...
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene Read the Bible Ask a Question Get an Answer Donate Questions Books CUVS Sign UpLogin Bible John 20 11马 利亚却站在坟墓外面哭。哭的时候 , 低头往坟墓里看 ,12就 见两个天使 , 穿着白衣 , 在安放耶稣身体的地方坐着 , 一个在头 , 一个在脚。13天 使对他说 ...
Mary Magdalene: Garth Davis द्वारा निर्देशित. Rooney Mara, Joaquin Phoenix, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Tahar Rahim के साथ. बारह लोगों ने यीशु के स
耶稣,抹大拉的马利亚,抹大拉的(jesus-mary-magdalene-magdalene) 资源编号 :43272072 格式:jpg 文件体积 :5m 分辨率 :5184 x 3324 爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的耶稣,抹大拉的马利亚,抹大拉的(jesus-mary-magdalene-magdalene), 本站编号43272072, 该高清图库素材大小为5m, ...
Mary Magdalene. Actress: Basditas: Aye te veo. Mary Magdalene is known for Basditas: Aye te veo (2021) and Soft White Underbelly (2016).