(Voyager stored its internal data on adigital tape recorder. Yes, a tape recorder, storing information on magnetic tape. It wasn’t designed to function at a hundred degrees below zero. It wasn’t designed to work for decades, winding and rewinding, endlessly re-writing data. But it did.)...
Probably John Howard, whom, as we have seen in the essay on “Christ’s Hospital,” Lamb did not love. He was of singular sallowness. Page 101, line 9 from foot. _Daines Barrington_. Daines Barrington (1727-1800), the correspondent of Gilbert White, many of whose letters in _The ...
And while she was a Larkin hospital employee, her attorney clarified, she was never involved in Michel’s other business venture: “At no time did any of her duties or responsibilities relate in any way whatsoever with the facility known as Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills.” From Joann...