Caine portrayed Alfred Pennyworth in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. He was quite stellar in this role. And he was inThe Prestige, a truly great film, as John Cutter, inInceptionas Stephen Miles, Professor John Brand inInterstellarand Sir Michael Crosby inTenet. Did you see him in as Eb...
In January 2005, my father filed a complaint with the Nassau County, New York, District Attorney against my sister, Terri, who he’d recently discovered had been embezzling millions of dollars from both my parents, as well as from me. The DA began an investigation. Around the same time, ...
An economics professor wanted to create an “Anti-Monopoly” game, but Parker Brothers said no. 6 Was “monopoly” a generic term, like aspirin, zipper and yo-yo? The courts would decide. 7 Parker Brothers tried to pay Anspach off, but he pushed for a trial – and lost his figh...
29岁,女性,10个月前起病,言语错乱,别人难以理解,骂人毁物,逐渐言语活动减少,不能与周围人沟通,近3个月来呆坐少语,自笑,认为自己的事别人都能知晓,有人要害自己。查:意识清晰,目光表情呆滞,耳边有命令性幻听、被害妄想,被洞悉感,有思维中断,躯体及神经系统检查无著征,该患者诊断为 ...
I met Hache (pronounced Hatchay) – as he was known – when I taught at George Washington University in the 2008/9 academic year on a Jenny McKean Moore visiting professorship. It was a momentous year to be in DC, the year Barack Obama was elected, an event that seems now to have ...
Ralph, Aubrey and Maurice Wright, Jack Tucker, Henry Shapland, Leslie and Kenneth Clark, Frank Howard, Paul Staddon and Les Vodden sing in Mr Milford's junior choir. Pat Dockings, Jean and Fred Cann are among those who teach in the Sunday School. 1935 The new treble church bell is ...