玛丽·卡萨特(Mary Cassatt)高清作品《艺术家母亲肖像》 作品名:艺术家母亲肖像 艺术家:玛丽·卡萨特 年代:1889—1890 风格:印象派 类型:肖像 标签:女性肖像 Title:Portrait of the Artist s Mother artist:Mary Cassatt Date:1889 - 1890 Style:Impressionism Genre:portrait Tag:female-portraits...
Portrait of Mrs. Robert S. Cassatt, the Artist's Mother, ca. 1885 画家母亲的肖像。 Cassatt和父母同住巴黎将近二十年。同样单身的姐姐Lydia于1879年诊断出肾炎,Cassatt担负起照顾姐姐的担子直到她1882年去世。 这期间,她母亲的健康状况也在下降,经常需要Cassatt放下艺术创作以照顾母亲。她在1883年给哥哥的信中...
Mary Cassatt,Mother Holding Her Baby,1914 (这两幅画作于失明同年,也许是因为视力衰退,笔触愈发粗放) 眼睛看不到后,她又致力于推广女权,在1915年参加了女权倡导者Louisine Havemeyer举办的展览,为此不惜与家人关系陷入僵局。 Mary Cassatt,Portrait of Mrs. H. O. Hevemeyer,1896 Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, ...
玛丽·卡萨特 Mary Cassatt的作品「Portrait of Ellen Mary Cassatt」高清无水印大图免费下载,创作年代:1898,图片尺寸:1162x1195px,风格:印象派,体裁:肖像画,超高清世界名画尽在-麦田艺术 nbfox.com。
根据最后一段的"Cassatt successfully made a place for herself in the history of art through her brave decisions and her remarkable performances. She is truly a master of the 19th century, and will always be considered an important component of Impressionist movement."可知,她在艺术史上做出很大贡献...
which are still scarce. If a complete painting flat but very easy to sell to make ends meet, in the creation of a high quality to the Impressionist exhibition engineering. In 1878 he was the most important works of three: Portrait of an artist (self portrait), the little girl in a blue...
Why did Mary Cassatt paint The Boating Party? Why did Mary Cassatt never have children? What was the significance of Dorothea Lange's artwork? Where was Mary Cassatt's portrait of the artist released? How old was Mary Cassatt when she died?
Presents the life and work of Mary Cassatt, the only American artist included with the French ImpressionistsThomas StreissguthCarolrhoda BooksStreissguth T. Mary Cassatt: portrait of an American impressionist. Twenty-First Century Books, Minneapolis, 1998....
玛丽·卡萨特肖像(Portrait of Mary Cassatt) 资源编号 : 89689816 格式: jpg 文件体积 : 143k 分辨率 : 811 x 1014 众创未来 JPG 143k 名称 分辨率 格式 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 评论 在线编辑 图片编辑 详情页 投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的高清图库资源素材免费下载,...