In the first episode of this three part drama, Lizzie walks through Mary Wollstonecraft’s world at the end of the 18th Century and she has questions. Tracing Wollstonecraft’s extraordinary life, she is challenged by her bravery, her incredible mind and her capacity to fall in love with the...
DeCarava’s mastery of even the darkest tones gave Bey a model for depicting the twilight uncertainty that those fleeing slavery confronted as they traveled northward. Meanwhile, the closing couplet of Hughes’s short poem “Dream Variations”—“Night coming tenderly / Black like me.”—inspired...
Oh I must tell you that those people who do not want me. These people (head moving sideways in sadness) are condemned to a life of fire. So many go there each day. They have hardened hearts. I can not force this. I only stand and see them fall. So many, many souls each day go...
with Mary above all the saints: “All the saints in heaven take great delight in serving the Holy Virgin, mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord. That they gladly do her bidding is the just and righteous way … they are appointed by her, and she is light and life...