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Mary, who is still connected to George by umbilical cord says "Before I cut you free, what should I call you?". It gives me chills and sums up the whole seven episodes of the relationship between Mary and George. She never lets him free till everything including George is ruined. ...
我信了 -邪恶的化身 And I might just believe them. A paragon of evil 强迫我告诉他我知道关于你的一切事情 told me I must tell him all I know of you. 进入我 占有我 Take me. Bury me. 我想忘记我是谁 I wanna forget who I am. 我们这是在哪里 -耐心点 Where are we? - Patience. 你跟...
Mary and George大结局,最后两集及片尾剧终奉上。 第六集(1620):王后逝世 The Queen is Dead -Love changes like a liquid in your hands, you can never really grip. And the more you try... -My love f...
中英文剧本hearts乔治llbeokgeorge 以下内容包含粗俗语言 Thefollowingprogrammesontainsstronglanguage 和性场景 andsdenesofasexuajnature 前情提要 你就好像瘟疫一样 Youareliketheplague. 想怎么赶都赶不走 Alwaysthere,howevermuchyoubashitaway. 约翰也需要他自己的未来 Johnneedsafuture,too. 爱德华・科克勋爵正在...
Piss off. And let me say goodbye to her, then. 可以吗 Please? 我看不出他有多在乎您 -你的乔治喜欢这位刻薄的老哈维 I see little care in him. - Ach, your George loves sour old Harvey. 我想他们互相通信 讨论我的治疗方案 I think they write to each other. Agree my treatment. ...
然后呢等着新的情人代替乔治 Whatthen?WaitforsomenewlovertoreplaceGeorge 然后夺走我们家的一切吗 andtakeallourfamilyhasinspite? 我是说你可以寓开-我们能去哪儿布鲁克斯小姐 YoucangetawayisallΓmsaying.Andwherewouldwego,MissBrookes?随便哪儿离开培根这样的男人 Anywhere,somewhereawayfrommenlikeBacon... 不然他...
george乔治中英文mary剧本国王 维利尔夫人我对你丈夫的死感到遗憾 XANDER:LadyVilliers,I'msorryaboutyourhusband'sdeath. 还有恐怕庄园已经破产了 And,I'mafraid,theestateisbankrupt. 你只有一个选择-再次结婚吗 There'sonlyoneoption.Marryagain? 托马斯·康普顿爵士-恐怕我是你是-你的下一仸妻子 SirThomasCompton...
Mary & George《玛丽和乔治(2024)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 前情提要 以卜节目包含粗俗语苜 Thefollowingprogrammecortainsstronglanguage和心性♥爰 场面 andscenesofasexualnature. 萨默塞特即将垮台确保他倒下时 Somersetwilltopple.Besureyou'rethere,你依然坚挺屹立 ...
George More Gordon ... digital imaging technician trainee Will Morris ... first assistant camera Ken Musson ... best boy: second unit / grip: "b" camera Roman O'Toole-Howes ... grip trainee: dailies (as Roman O'Toole) James Paul Thomas ... second assistant camera: "a" camer...