The thinking pattern in Marxist philosophy is the cream and crystallization of the human thinking pattern. 马克思主义哲学思维方式是人类思维方式的精华和结晶。 更多例句>> 3) the mode of thinking the purpose of traditional Marxist philosophy education 思维方式马克思主义哲学教育目的4...
3.The teaching quality of collegeMarxist theory courseis not only depends on teachers\' political quality and professional level,but also depends on their educational mode and teaching method.高校马克思主义理论课教学质量的好坏,不仅取决于教师的政治素质和业务水平,而且还取决于教师的教育方式和教学方法。
[17] No wonder, then, that, when he describes the Çdemocratic method of resolving contradictions among the people," Mao HAS to evoke his own version of, precisely, "negation of negation," in the guise of the formula "unity-criticism-unity": "starting from the desire for unity, resolvin...
"The prescribed way forward [i.e., to communism]is dictated by the process of pregnancy itself. The solution [communism] is theconsummation of the full development of the problem [capitalism]." n7Historical development
I do therefore invite you now to take advantage of the offer that has been made by the Prime Minister to release you, provided you agree to forgo violence as a method of attaining any ends, political or otherwise.” From the contents of the letter, it was obvious to me that Lord ...
Rereading Marx For The Non-Marxist Economist: On The Scope And Method Of Scientific EconomicsRevolutionize thinking about human history.doi:10.1080/00346767900000030WismanJon D.RePEcReview of Social Economy
As Donald Lazere (1977) notes, Applied to any aspect of culture, Marxist method seeks to explicate the manifest and latent or coded reflections of modes of material production, ideological values, class relations and structures of social power—racial or sexual as well as politico-economic—or ...
of the Chinese national spirit and the essence of contemporary culture,can we reawaken the contemporary scholars' conscience and their political sensitivity of the theme of the times,their participating enthusiasm to create a positive spirit for remodeling Chinese "self-thinking" under the new back...
Liu et al. think that artificial intelligence realizes the revolution of thinking and poetry with the revolution of technology and method, and the top of intelligence opens the second paradigm of human reflection [20]. This paper studies a deep recurrent neural network, which combines multi-level...
This was incorporated into the definition of the socialist realist method. “In advancing the slogan of “the international culture of democracy and of the world working-class movement”, we take from each national culture only its democratic and socialist elements; we take them only and ...