Abstinence-only education;Curriculum;Education;Homophobia;LGBTQ;Marxism;Sexuality;Teachers Introduction In the areas of sexuality and education, sexual dogma serves the purpose of dividing the working class (Agostinone-Wilson2010). This is done by invoking the expectation of celibacy on certain sexual mi...
Marx′ist-Len′in·istadj.& n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. ...
Education & Upbringing Books Sports Books Sex Books Wars Books Marketing Books Featured titles A Court of Thorns and Roses Just Mercy Tuesdays with Morrie Into the Wild The Devil in the White City Walden The Souls of Black Folk David and Goliath ...
The usually staid editorial board of the NY Times calls this newest Donald Trump scandal “the greatest crisis in American Democracy since the Civil War…. Mr. Trump’s actions as a public official, like […] Democratic Socialists of America and the Political Crisis of Socialism By oaklandso...
Woke Marxism has no limiting principles. It is, in fact, openly hostile to any such boundary on its own madness. As a result, it possesses no mechanisms to prevent the implementation of the worst possible ideas, as we often see, including in the education of young children. ...
Communism and educationPostmodernism has become the orthodoxy in educational theory. It heralds the end of grand theories like Marxism and liberalism, scorning any notion of a united feminist challenge to patriachy, of united anti-racist struggle, and of united working-class movements against ...
This paper argues for 'post-structural Marxisms' as the pedagogical practice of reading and rereading Marx in a critical manner. It is less concerned to give an account of social class or of the changing historical relevance of this concept in relation to education than to argue for the cont...
CEOs tripping over themselves to prove how "woke" they are has become de rigueur, but the news that American Express subjected its employees last year to what can only be described as Marxist "re-education" sessions has struck a chord – and rightly so. Thankfully, we are not so desensiti...
The only other book of the time that approaches Berlin’s sophistication in taking Marx seriously as a thinker, and bringing on board the politics to some extent, was Sidney Hook’s. He was a ‘fellow traveller,’ based in New York. He wrote in the American context, as a contemporary ...
In teaching adult education courses, a major challenge for us is to make students articulate the sources of their knowledge about themselves or the world. We ask them to think through these questions: "How do you know what you know?" "Wh... S Carpenter,S Mojab - Palgrave Macmillan US ...