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Marx and Engels 作者:Nimtz, August H. 页数:377 定价:232.00 元 ISBN:9780791444900 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我要写书评 Marx and Engels的书评 ···(全部 0 条)
For a little over a decade after the ignominious collapse of the Revolution of 1848, Karl Marx worked as a professional journalist. Writing from London for newspapers in America and, eventually, on the Continent, he continued while living in exile the analysis of the crisis of revolution that ...
About this book series The Marx renaissance is underway on a global scale. Wherever the critique of capitalism re-emerges, there is an intellectual and political demand for new, critical engagements with Marxism. The peer-reviewed series Marx, Engels and Marxisms (edited by Marcello Musto & Terr...
马克思和恩格斯论新闻出版自由(Marx and Engels on Freedom of Press)新闻出版自由是马克思和恩格斯投身社会斗争时首先论证的问题之一。他们主要从以下几个方面阐述了对新闻出版自由及其他几种表现自由的基本认识。工作中的马克思 王师颉绘画 一、现代自由的观念产生于商品交换的过程中,新闻出版自由是商品经济社会的自由...
into a stone idol."A thoughtful and provocative introduction to the lives and work of Marx and Engels by a famous revolutionary practitioner of Marxism, this book includes Che's recommended reading list of essential Marxist classics, making it a popular choice for students and political...
马克思和恩格斯论舆论(Marx and Engels on Public Opinion) 在马克思和恩格斯的著作里,“舆论”的概念出现频率很高。按照不同地区、不同时间、不同阶层、不同行业、不同政治倾向,马克思和恩格斯对舆论附加了多种定语,如欧洲的、某国的、某年的、统治阶级的、工人的、小市民的、立宪主义的、军内的、爱好自由的等等...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Marx and Engels, Works of The collection, publication, dissemination, and study of the literary legacy of the founders of scientific communism ar...
马克思和恩格斯论报刊与舆论(Marx and Engels on Press and Public Opinion) 德国有一句谚语:打麻袋,吓驴子。有一次,在说明普鲁士当局通过镇压报刊而压制舆论时,马克思反其意而用之,说这是打驴子,吓麻袋。他把报刊比作驴子,舆论比作麻袋。(参见12卷658页)显然,在马克思的认识中,报刊与舆论的基本关系是:报刊代表舆...
According to Nimtz, no two people contributed more to the struggle for democracy in the nineteenth century than Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Presenting the first major study of the two thinkers in the past twenty years and the first since the collapse of the Soviet Union, this book ...