彼得·帕克(地球-616) (英文:Peter Benjamin Parker)是漫威主宇宙作品中的虚构人物,由斯坦·李和史蒂夫·迪特科共同创造,首次登场于1962年8月的《惊奇幻想》第15期。彼得·帕克曾就读于美国纽约皇后区的中城高中,学习成绩优异但存在感很差。在一次实地考察活动中,彼得被一只带有放射性的蜘蛛叮咬,并因此获得了超能力。
“Hope you were watching, Uncle Ben. 'Cause I did that for you. Kept everyone safe. Kept them from being scared. And I made it fun. It doesn't matter that most of 'em wouldn't have lifted a finger for Peter Parker. That's not why you do it. You do it 'ca
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She served as an agent of Norman Osborn, who had returned to North America to personally finish off Peter Parker and destroy everything he had held dear, which included his unborn child May Parker. In the final storyline of the Clone Saga, "Revelations", Mongrain's task was to poison ...
Peter Benjamin Parker[1] Alias(es) CodenamesSpider-Man[2]Iron Spider[3]Night Monkey[3] DerivativesPete[4] NicknamesPenis Parker[4]Spidey[3]Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man[4]Pedro[4] Organizational NamesPeter-One[5] In-Universe MediaSpider-Menace[6]Webhead[6]Public Enemy #1[5]Iron Man Jr....
After Octavius found a poisoned Spider-Man, he learned Parker's identity by unmasking him, and as part of an unknown plan had allowed himself to be taken into custody by the authorities with the belief that Stunner would break him free shortly thereafter; however, he was intervened and ...
"I suspect that these spots allow me to defeat anyone!" Jonathan Ohnn, better known as The Spot, is a major antagonist in Marvel Comics. specifically serving as a major antagonist in the Spider-Man franchise. He was scientist who work for Kingpin at that