However, when the Avengers were officially demobilized due to the War on HYDRA, Stark built more armors and resumed his role as Iron Man, aiding them in the capture of Baron Strucker and acquiring Loki's Scepter. Once the threat of HYDRA had been ended, at last, Stark, influenced by ...
Armors and TribunalsJames Rhodes and Tony Stark at the tribunal "As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests. I did, however, go on to summarize that the benefits of Iron ...
Armors and TribunalsJames Rhodes and Tony Stark at the tribunal "As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests. I did, however, go on to summarize that the benefits of Iron ...
Beetle is a supervillain later turned superhero in the Marvel Comics universe. He was a former enemy of the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Daredevil and The Avengers. The Beetle persona has been used by seven individuals. They are listed in the fo
2 Peter Parker (Earth-616) 3 Benjamin Grimm (Earth-616) 4 Earth-616 5 James Rhodes has prior knowledge of Tony being Iron Man before the zombie attack, while his Earth-616 counterpart only learned of's secret during the timewas trying to takeover Stark International andattacked.. Sinceesta...
He enjoyed the design of the Iron Man and liked the 3D model, and he liked how they updated Iron Man's original armor. He also liked the looks of the various other armors, even in their small cameos. He felt the animation was constantly well done, though it had odd moments in the ...
In contrast to his brother Iron Man's armor, Gregory is more competent and doesn't possess an infamous lifestyle, and has a superiority complex. Gregory becomes the benefactor to Nick Fury's Avengers to initially defeat the Red Skull and A.I.M..[53][54][55][56] Stark later ...
The Dreaming Celestial began exhibiting more "non"-Celestial behaviors, such as admiring Iron Man's guile in battle and the "un-doing" of the death of the Eternal Thena's human son, so much that Uatu the Watcher began to question the Celestial's mental balance. ...
Iron Man managed to save Janet and Jocasta, albeit temporarily, after he became merged with his own armor due to Ultron’s machinations. Through the cyborgs he created, Ultron learned with horror that the humanity of the merged beings he created died during the process, with their human consc...