PS5 Version Vibration function and trigger effect supported (DualSense wireless controller) PS5 Pro Enhanced Game Help supported Game overview BE GREATER. TOGETHER. Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man franchis...
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 166329 ratings 90% 6% 2% 1% Platform: PS5 Release: 10/20/2023 Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Genres: Action Voice: English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico) Screen Languages: English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico...
2 % Esta edición incluye:El juego completo de Marvel's Spider-Man 2 para PS5®.Los Spider-Men Peter Parker y Miles Morales se enfrentan a la prueba de fuerza definitiva dentro y fuera de sus trajes mientras luchan por salvar a la ciudad, a sus seres queridos y a ellos mismos, del...
在《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》中,蜘蛛人/蜘蛛俠的活動範圍拓展到曼哈頓之外,延伸到布魯克林和皇后區。在《Spider-Man》前作遊戲中,這些區域無法進入,並且只有簡單的低解析度圖像來代表更廣闊的城市範圍。歸功於PS5的性能,續作將地圖規模擴大了一倍,因為遊戲能渲染出距離更遠的龐大都會。站在曼哈頓的摩天大樓上,你...
'Marvel's Spider-Man 2' is finally receiving a long-awaited new game plus update next month, along with other new features.
搬运:PS5《Mar..為迎接 PlayStation5(PS5)上《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》的發布,Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited(SI
PS5版本 支援震動功能和扳機效果(DualSense無線控制器) 《Marvel's Spider-Man 2》是什麼遊戲? BE GREATER.TOGETHER. 備受好評的《Marvel's Spider-Man》系列又一力作,彼得·派克和麥爾斯·摩拉斯再度回歸,展開精彩絕倫的新冒險。 擺盪、跳躍,利用全新蛛網翼穿梭漫威宇宙紐約,在彼得·派克與麥爾斯·摩拉斯之間快速切...
Insomniac 團隊剛在聖地牙哥國際漫畫展披露了新作《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》的最新消息,相信各位PlayStation 玩家一定興奮不已。《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》的 PS5 主機限量版同捆組也在展上首次亮相,該同捆組包含特製的 PS5 主機護蓋設計和 DualSense 無線控制器。
PS5《Marvel's Spider Man 2》20+小時爆機體驗分享│雙蜘蛛俠打Venom 重塑角色有誠意│升級聲畫表現 原來PS5開到Dolby Atmos│2倍大地圖用新招飛過海
'Marvel's Spider-Man 2' Explained: Who Is Venom? Latest Videos Trailers & Extras Marvel's Spider-Man 2 | Accolades Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel's Spider-Man franchise for the PS5 console. Marvel's Spider...