This deck comes by way of Marvel Snap creatorJeff Hoogland. Alioth Ramp takes the classic ramp package and slots Alioth in. The idea here is to get Electro out as early as possible, enabling you to at the very least play two 6-Cost cards. In an ideal match, you can Black Panther int...
Heimdall Marvel Snap 6-cost Card with 10 power and ability: On Reveal: Move your other cards one location to the left.. Best decks, all variants, devs answers.
Crimson Cosmos: 1, 2, and 3-Cost cards can’t be played here. 深红宇宙: 1, 2, 3费牌无法在此地点打出。 Hellfire Club: 1-Cost cards can’t be played here. 地狱火俱乐部: 1费卡牌不能在此地点打出。 The Big House: 4, 5 and 6-Cost cards can’t be played here. 大房子监狱: 4、...
Description: On Reveal: Add 3 random 6-Cost cards to your hand. 卡牌描述:翻开时:在你的手牌中加入3张随机6费卡牌。 点评:近似于不可用。弗瑞应该是迄今为止4张赛季单卡里最弱的一张了吧。虽然是给你3张牌,不过因为3张牌都是6费,弗瑞本身又是5费,所以3张牌最多只能打出去1张,和给1张牌3选一没...
Description: Agatha starts in your hand and plays your cards for you. 卡牌描述:阿加莎会出现在你的起始手牌中,并帮你打出卡牌。 点评:卡牌版伊戈,snap第一逗比。大概ai跟伊戈用的是一个版本,基本不能期待它能赢。即使你全放价值单卡,让她按费拍怪,也完全不行,因为她根本不知道应该打在哪一路。这就是...
2-cost, 3-power. Ongoing ability: Your cards with 1 power or less see their costs reduced by 1. How to open Spotlight Caches in Marvel Snap You can open Spotlight Caches with Spotlight Keys, a reward you receive every 120 collection levels. Each week, the Spotlight Cache features three ...
Here are the best Caiera decks inMarvel Snap. Marvel SnapCaiera abilities, explained Caiera is a three-Cost, four-Power card with an ability that reads “Ongoing: Your 1 and 6-Cost cards can’t be destroyed.” As a standalone card, Caiera’s stat line is a decent location-booster ...
Here are the best Blob decks inMarvel Snap. Marvel SnapBlob abilities, explained Blob is a six-cost, four-Power card with the ability: “On Reveal: Merge your deck into this (and gain its total Power). Ongoing: Can’t be moved.” The card’s On Reveal can be enough to help you ...
Qué es Marvel Snap? Marvel Snap es una categoría única dentro del sitio web de Cards Realm que se enfoca en conectar a jugadores interesados en juegos de cartas con temática de Marvel. Proporciona una plataforma para que los usuarios compartan e intercambien cartas de Marvel, se mantenga...
In this guide, we take a look at 1-Cost cards in Marvel Snap that we consider to be staples for many decks.