刚刚宣布: MarvelRivals是网易游戏和 Marvel Games 为 Steam 和 Epic Store 推出的一款新的 6v6 团队 PVP 英雄射击游戏。免费玩。测试版将于五月推出。 Alpha 测试将有 12 名英雄参与 - GAME STREET电玩店于20240327发布在抖音,已经收获了23.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好
Marvel Rivals has officially been unveiled, introducing an Overwatch-style PvP shooter that’s brimming with heroes right from the first gameplay trailer. But who exactly makes up the Marvel Rivals roster?The trailer provides a glimpse of gameplay featuring several heroes and hints at the presence...
网易游戏在北美市场动手了!!网易近日携手漫威游戏(Marvel Games),推出《漫威争锋》(Marvel Rivals)游戏,目前正在开发 Windows PC 版本,计划于 2024 年 5 月开启封闭 Alpha 测试。 #网易 # - IGA游戏留学于20240328发布在抖音,已经收获了2.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录
Alpha Keys:Even more exclusive than closed beta keys, alpha keys provide access to a very early version of the game, often with limited features and more bugs. Just like that, snagging either of these keys is a major win, giving you a chance to shape the future of Marvel Rivals and exp...
(arguably)Rainbow Six Siegeto compete against in the hero shooter space, Marvel Rivals is going to have to rely on the strength of gameplay and that aforementioned billion-dollar IP to stand out from the crowd. Whether or not they’ll succeed is anyone’s guess, but the upcoming alpha ...
漫威争锋/Marvel Rivals的封闭 Alpha 测试将于太平洋夏令时 5 月 10 日下午 5:00 开始,直到太平洋夏令时 5 月 20 日晚上 11:59结束,持续大约十天,换算成北京时间的话就是5月11日上午开始,5月21日下午结束。不知道大家有没有提前去申请测试资格呢?从官网公告和steam商店的公告来看,我们可以了解到,本次...
Marvel Games 授权网易游戏打造并发行的《Marvel Rivals》正式亮相,第三人称射击 PvP 玩法贯彻上漫威漫画世界观,让 12 位玩家分成两队全明星阵容,从阿斯加德打到未来东京。 《Marvel Rivals》的故事讲述了 2099 年的奇异博士与未来对手间的无情冲突,迫使无数宇宙在时间轴碰撞、激荡出未知的危机,来自多元宇宙的角色必...
据《福布斯》老牌撰稿人Paul Tassi以及业界知名爆料人Kurakasis等人的信息源显示,网易正在开发一款以漫威宇宙为背景的6v6第三人称射击游戏,玩法类似于《守望先锋》,画面则类似于《无畏契约》。 该游戏据称被命名为《Marvel Rivals》,游戏目前还处于Alpha阶段,将包含许多熟悉和不太为人知的漫威角色。当然,我们熟知的漫威...
After spending a weekend with theMarvel Rivalsalpha test, I discovered that I had almost completely forgotten it was a Marvel game. From the moment it was revealed,Marvel Rivalswas labeled anOverwatchclone. That comparison wasn’t simply due to it being a 6v6 hero shooter with a similar art...
Marvel Rivalsis currently only confirmed to be in development for PC. It will have its first open alpha test in May. Editors’ Recommendations Marvel Rivals devs say cross-progression is coming, but not soon Execs at Marvel Rivals developer NetEase arrested on allegations of corruption ...