For a variety of reasons, scenes are deleted from movies and TV series. Whatever that reason, the scene was not good enough to advance from the writers to the actors to the cameras. At many times, these scenes give a more detailed exposition of a plot po
Blitzkrieg later traveled to Buenos Aires to investigate the deaths of a number of South American superheroes, including his former ally Defensor. Blitzkrieg was confronted by his teammate Zeitgeist, who turned out to be the serial killer Everyman. Everyman killed Blitzkrieg, adding him to his long...
[issue # needed] When the Redeemers confronted the Squadron, and all-out fight broke out which caused the deaths of several members of both teams.[issue # needed] Pinball and Nighthawk were among those killed, but Remnant and the Mink survived the battle and have not been heard from since...
" Thanos was on a list of suspects for who stole Lisa's college fund. 31 665 "The Fat Blue Line" Mayor Quimby called Jason Momoa "Wet Panther", a reference to Black Panther, and Momoa's character Aquaman. 666 "Treehouse of Horror XXX" Kang puts on the infinity gauntlet and uses...
The organization also decided that it wanted to place the population on its Index. Using the "quantum entanglement" theory of Dr. List, Anne Weaver was able to find Afterlife and S.H.I.E.L.D. sent a convoy to meet with Jiaying and discuss the peace treaty. ...
Daddy Longlegs first appeared in Spider-Woman #47 (December 1982), and was created by Mark Gruenwald.[1] Ramsey Kole is a dancer of short stature who steals and drinks some experimental chemicals that Bill Foster was working on, and grows to a height of
Nicodemus West, mourning the deaths of his cats and brother while he was dead, starts losing sleep over whether half of all life had to be sacrificed or if there was another way to stop Thanos.[25][18] 18th Nick Fury sends a team of Skrulls led by Gravik to collect the DNA of ever...
He is implicated in the deaths of two scientists, a military officer, an Idaho state trooper and possibly two Canadian hunters. So don't wait to see if he's a fighter." ―Emil Blonsky and Thaddeus Ross[src] Between the incident and his early run, Banner remained in contact with a ...
While they looked at the Scepter and discussed how they had been hunting it ever since the HYDRA Uprising and how List had used it to make enhanced soldiers, Stark asked Thor to allow him to analyze the Scepter before Thor took it back to Asgard and, seeing no real threat there, Thor ...
Along with other volunteers from the town, Maximoff and Pietro underwent a series of tests conducted by List and Baron Strucker, where they were exposed to energy from the Scepter, which had fatal effects on all the other volunteers. The Maximoff twins, however, survived and experienced ...