Cable has had his fair share of Hasbro action figures, though still far less than the copious amount that Toybiz put out. Even so, it’s been over half a decade now since the last comics-based Cable Legends figure was released and demand for the popular character has grown quite high!
ToyBiz sure had their hands full with handling arguably the most popular comic book character ever and his unmasked likeness, possibly due in part to the recent unmasking in the Civil War comic books. This figure is a welcome addition to the collection of Icons, except there are a couple ...
I have bad memories of the Toybiz 5” release of this armored figure gathering dust en masse on store shelves in the 90s as one of the biggest peg warmers of the time, so I am not stunned it’s taken Hasbro this long to get to this particular outfit for Peter Parker. This Marvel L...
Spider-Man Character group Avengers Material metal Retail packaging Single Piece Similar items you might like Based on what customers bought Marvel Champions LCG: Magneto Hero Pack Expansion for Ages 14 and up, from Asmodee Add Now $16.99
这是个属于英雄的世界好吧,下面,咱们来说说这个属于英雄的世界 (图片来自网络,内文由Leon在漫威wiki原创,他人转载请注明出处) 分享42赞 marvel玩具吧 xzhangganx marvel legends 20周年 致敬toybiz 绿巨人/浩克感觉能实物完整的测评的朋友是越来越少了,可能都太忙了吧 由于本人最近看绿巨人美剧,对绿巨人有极大的...
In the early years of the 1990s Marvel aggressively expanded, purchasing toy and sticker book companies, especially toy company ToyBiz. In order to keep pace with these acquisitions, the price of individual comics was increased. Yet by 1993 the recession meant that fewer of the increasingly expens...
PS.这是我能在老吧找到的骗总的第一篇测评,有趣的是,测评的主人公是toybiz的LEGENDARY COMIC BOOK HEROES 系列的Conan与Wrarrl双人装,而非大家熟知的marvel legends。测评现在来看文字方面相对比较简单,但是图片还是很到位的,因为是第一篇帖子,也是十分的有意义。关于玩具本身,我并没有入手,所以无法给大家自己的感...
Hulk Incredible Hulk Hulk (Movie) Ghost Rider (Movie) Marvel Select Super Hero Squad Legendary Comic Book Heroes Advertise on Marvelous News MARVEL REVIEWS Toy Photography MarvelousNews Photo Of The Day - 'Hump Day Coming' By ToyTallica MarvelousNews Photo Of The Day - 'Careful Everyone,...
BOOK OF SECRETS: The illustrated Book of Secrets makes learning magic fun. Learn to perform over perform over 25+ magic tricks. If you are interested in optical illusion playing cards, the certain bonus cards, included with the deck, will astound your friends! Fantasma’s deck of illusions fe...
Thoughts on this Maestro Legends figure, Marvel collectors? Is this modern take on the Maestro a must-have for your collection, or are you sticking with your Toybiz version (or hoping for a Hasbro Future Imperfect iteration)?