In 1975, the city of Saigon in Vietnam falls. In 1976, Jimmy Carter was elected president.[84] In 1979, Three Mile Island nuclear accident, which is America's most serious nuclear power plant accident in its history.[85] Russian-Afghan War In 1979, Russian–Afghan War began. Insurge... Korean War Vietnam War 1.8.2 1960s 1.8.3 Assassination of John F. Kennedy 1.8.4 1970s Watergate Scandal Russian-Afghan War 1.8.5 1980s Iran-Contra Affair 1.8.6 1990s 1.8.7 Clinton–Lewinsky Scandal 1.9 21st Century 1.9.1 2000s 1.10 ...
On September 23, 2014, Disney Infinity a sandbox video game, will release the 2.0 edition of the game. It will include Marvel Superheroes. It will have the Avengers Play Set, the Spider Man Play Set, and the Guardians of the Galaxy Play Set. Prose...
then wielder of the Infinity Gem of time, wherein Maxam murdered Adam Warlock.[issue # needed] He later appeared on the island of the Infinity Watch with no memory of his past.[issue # needed] Eventually it was revealed that Maxam was from an alternate future earth where the majority of...
War rages beneath the waves, from the lost cities of the Secret Seas to the fathomless depths where the Elder Whales reign. Seven kings, old and new, fight to rule the watery realm. But where is Namor, the once mighty Sub-Mariner? He’s sitting behind bars on the surface, with no ...
Infinity WarRoss continues working inside of his office "The world's on fire, and you think all's forgiven?""I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight. And if you wanna stay in our way... ...
This year Avengers: Infinity War marks the culmination of 10 years / decade of Marvel Cinematic Universe and the beginning battle royal between Earth’s Mightest Heroes with the galaxy’s Mad Titan foe!! Every MCU movie took things to another level and the recent Black Panther movie has set...
Infrared Vision Superhuman Hearing Superhuman Smelling Romulus (Earth-616)/Quotes Martial Arts Romans Prehistoric Characters Acrobats Athletic Skills Virtual Immortals Twins Adamantium Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted.
For most of the Punisher's publication history, he was depicted as a veteran of the Vietnam War, and it became an integral part of his backstory. However, Marvel's use of a sliding timescale to compress all the events that have happened ever since the Silver Age of Comic Books, into ...
Kung Fu, a black-and-white magazine-sized comic, introduced the White Tiger, the first Puerto Rican superhero. Also appearing during this period was Mantis, a Vietnamese member of Marvel’sconventionalsuperteam theAvengers, appearing in print, quite unusually, at the height of the Vietnam War...