Marvel Animation is part of Marvel Studios, the film and TV production company ofMarvel Entertainment, which obviously grew out of Marvel Comics. Located on the other side of Los Angeles in Manhattan Beach, Marvel Studios is behind the successfulIron Man,ThorandCaptain America: The First Avengerm...
Given the relative struggles of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in recent years, nailingThe Fantastic Fouris going to be key for the health of the franchise going forward as Marvel’s “First Family” will surely be key players as the studio leads up to its next twoAvengersmovies. The nextAven...
This was essentially the message of ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey at the Television Critics Association press tour about the potential return of Adrianne Palicki and Nick Blood to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. This comes after the planned spinoff, Marvel's Most Wanted, was scrapped, ...
After a 7 hour and 44 minute trip (about the time it takes to drive from NYC), their remote-controlled plane crashes near the “shore of your basic crystal clear lake overlooking the snow-capped peaks and thick pine woods commonly believed to encircle downtown Toronto”. There they meet ...
This was essentially the message of ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey at the Television Critics Association press tour about the potential return of Adrianne Palicki and Nick Blood to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. This comes after the planned spinoff, Marvel's Most Wanted, was scrapped, ...