As a result of a radioactive spider bite, high schooler Peter Parker developed powers and abilities similar to that of a spider. After Peter's selfishness indirectly resulted in the death of his beloved Uncle Ben, Peter decided to live up to the motto that "With great power there must also...
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 166329 ratings 90% 6% 2% 1% Platform: PS5 Release: 10/20/2023 Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Genres: Action Voice: English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico) Screen Languages: English, French (France), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Mexico...
Spider-Man Merchandising, L.P.: A joint venture of Marvel and Sony Pictures Consumer Products Inc. that owns the rights to Spider-Man movie related licensed products. Marvel Studios: a film and television production company; Marvel Television: a television production company responsible for live-ac...
Browse the Marvel comic series Ultimate Spider-Man (2024 - Present). Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them!
Spider-Man: No Way Home Peter Parker Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Our friendly neighborhood hero swings into the MCU in his iconic suit. Read Profile Peter Parker The Amazing Spider-Man The one and only Amazing Spider-Man webs his way into the MCU. ...
An evolution of the Spider-Man story The incredible power of the symbiote forces Peter and Miles to face the ultimate test of strength, both inside and outside the mask, as they balance their lives, friendships and their duty to protect those in need. ...
Marvel's Spider-ManWiki is a comprehensive database focusing on theMarvel's Spider-Manvideo game series developed byInsomniac Games, and released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC. The wiki is a collaborative community thatanyone can edit, dedicated to collecting all information related to...
Experience the Game of the Year Edition of Marvel’s Spider-Man, which includes the full game, plus Marvel’s Spider-Man The City That Never Sleeps complete DLC story arc content. “One of the best games on PS4. Period.” - Nerdist “A spectacular adve
Featured Characters: Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Main story and recap) Supporting Characters: Mary Jane Watson-Parker (Main story and recap) May Parker Antagonists: A male mysterious assassin (First appearance) A female mysterious assassin (First appearan
Ce n’est pas le Spider-Man que vous connaissiez, loin de là. DansMarvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, vous incarnerez un Peter Parker aguerri qui est bien plus doué pour lutter contre le crime qui fait rage à New York. En même temps, il lutte aussi pour trouver l’équilibre entre...