Browse the Marvel Comics issue Marvel Comics (1939) #1. Learn where to read it, and check out the comic's cover art, variants, writers, & more!
这枚精美的 1 盎司银币是 Comix 系列的新版本,以《Marvel Comics 1》为特色,这是 1939 年 10 月 1 日发行的第一期,其中的几个角色后来成为 Marvel 宇宙的主要角色。该硬币呈长方形,色泽鲜艳,具有精制品质,装在主题盒中,并附有真品证书。全球限量发行 5,000 枚。硬币的反面被制作成矩形,并用细致的颜色代表...
Marvel Comics is a comic book publishing house known for creating notable super heroes such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Daredevil, Hulk, Thor, the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, and Deadpool. Marvel's
Five Marvel milestones! Three sovereign super heroes! One exclusive collection! Including a facsimile of the extremely rare Marvel Comics #1! Marvel: The Golden Age 1939-1949 marks a terrific team-up between The Folio Society and Marvel Comics.
MARVEL即漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国漫画公司两大巨头之一,创建于1939年,于1961年正式定名为Marvel,旗下拥有蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、美国队长、绿巨人、雷神托尔、神奇四… 关注话题 管理 分享 索引 百科 讨论 精华 等待回答 切换为热门排序 ...
漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国漫画巨头之一,它创建于1939年,于1961年正式定名为Marvel,旧译为“惊奇漫画”,曾用名“时代漫画”(Timely Comics)、亚特拉斯漫画(Atlas Comics)。1939年4月,公司在《电影连环画周刊》创刊号上创造出了世界上第一位变种人反英雄
MARVEL即漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国漫画公司两大巨头之一,创建于1939年,于1961年正式定名为Marvel,旗下拥有蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、美国队长、绿巨人、雷神托尔、神奇四侠、X战警等8000多名漫画角色。2009年12月,华特迪士尼公司以42.4亿美元收购Marvel Entertainment
The highest-graded copy of the very first Marvel issue, this copy of Marvel Comics No. 1 recently became the most expensive Marvel comic ever sold at public auction. Rated a 9.4 out of 10, it is the most well-preserved copy of this 1939 release in known existence, and one of only thr...
Marvel Comics (1939) Marvel Comics (2019) Marvel Comics Presents (1988 - 1995) Marvel Comics Presents (2007 - 2008) Marvel Comics Presents (2019) Marvel Comics Super Special (1977 - 1986) Marvel Digital Holiday Special (2008) Marvel Digital Holiday Special 2009 (2009) Marvel Divas (2009) Ma...
Marvel Comics was founded by established pulp-magazine publisher Martin Goodman in 1939 as an eventual group of subsidiary companies under the umbrella name Timely Comics. Its first publication was Marvel Comics #1 (Oct. 1939), featuring the second appearance of Carl Burgos’ android superhero, the...