MARTINI BIANCO SPRITZ MARTINI Simona Spritz ExploreMartini Casa Martini The original home of MARTINI and once the home of Luigi Rossi himself, CASA MARTINI is steeped in history and has hospitality at its heart. Our Story With a legacy of vermouth and sparkling wine enduring more than 160 years...
Martini Bianco Vermouth 产地:意大利 / 度数:15%vol 全球流行 在葡萄酒加入香草的习惯已有好几百年的历史,一百五十余年前,一名为马天尼之家族于意大利都灵市附近,开设一家小型葡萄酒厂,精研混酒技术,创制出今日名为“威末”的新酒。马天尼产品迅速即流行意大利,亦得到全球的推崇,被誉为具有低酒精度、精雅高贵而气味...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现马天尼白威末酒配制酒 Martini Bianco Vermouth 1L 15度国行正品的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于马天尼白威末酒配制酒 Martini Bianco Vermouth 1L 15度国行正品的信息,请来
Martini & Rossi Bianco Vermouth, Italy 年份全部年份 2011 1993 1976 1970 NV 国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 产区 意大利 品种维茂斯 红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载 获奖 获奖时间:NV 最佳银奖 葡萄酒年份:NV 颁奖组织:IWSC国际葡萄酒与烈酒大赛? --暂无酒庄详细资料-- 年份全部年份 2011...
Martini & Rossi Bianco Vermouth Italy Vermouth 34,264th ¥ 74 83 / 100 Martini & Rossi Spumante Brut, Italy White Blend 35,192nd ¥ 74 86 / 100 Martini & Rossi Moscato d'Asti DOCG, Piedmont, Italy Muscat Blanc a Petits Grains 40,655th ¥ 101 86 / 100 Ma...
Discover MARTINI & ROSSI ®Vermouths and Sparkling Wines. Learn more about our Vermouths, vermouth based drinks, our history and delicious cocktails.
Discover MARTINI & ROSSI ®Vermouths and Sparkling Wines. Learn more about our Vermouths, vermouth based drinks, our history and delicious cocktails.
Discover MARTINI & ROSSI ®Vermouths and Sparkling Wines. Learn more about our Vermouths, vermouth based drinks, our history and delicious cocktails.
Discover MARTINI & ROSSI ®Vermouths and Sparkling Wines. Learn more about our Vermouths, vermouth based drinks, our history and delicious cocktails.
In honor of Martini & Rossi vermouth. Regardless of its precise origins, we know that the martini has been around since the mid-1800s, and that it’s still hard to beat. As for who put the dirty in dirty martini, word has it that a New York bartender named John O’Connor started ...