MARTINI Extra Dry’s rare woods, herbs, citrus and raspberry extracts are the pillar of the 20th century’s defining drink: the Dry Martini cocktail. First introduced on New Year’s Day 1900, after 10 years of development by Luigi Rossi’s sons, MARTINI Extra Dry has at its heart the vi...
In honor of Martini & Rossi vermouth. Regardless of its precise origins, we know that the martini has been around since the mid-1800s, and that it’s still hard to beat. As for who put the dirty in dirty martini, word has it that a New York bartender named John O’Connor started ...
The classic recipe has a traditional proportion of gin to vermouth is 2:1, but Chris is actually making more of a Dry Gin Martini and using 2 1/2 ounces of gin and only 1/2 ounce dry vermouth. Regardless of your chosen ratio, this cocktail requires only 3 ingredients and very little ...
Dry Martini - 干马天尼 金酒(Gin) 1.5盎司 马天尼干威末酒(Dry Vermouth) 5 滴 加冰块搅匀后滤入鸡尾酒杯,用橄榄和柠檬皮装饰。如果将装饰物改成"珍珠洋葱"。干马天尼就变成"吉普森"了。 马天尼皇家白威末酒 伏特加 1.5 盎司 马天尼干威末酒少许 ...
martini origin story involves a famous brand name: Martini & Rossi. Created in the 1800s, this vermouth brand grew so popular that people allegedly began to ask simply for a “martini,” a truncated version of the brand name that became synonymous with a combo of vermouth, gin and bitters...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现马天尼干威末酒配制酒 Martini Extra Dry Vermouth 1L 18度 国行的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于马天尼干威末酒配制酒 Martini Extra Dry Vermouth 1L 18度 国行的信息,请来
Discover MARTINI & ROSSI ®Vermouths and Sparkling Wines. Learn more about our Vermouths, vermouth based drinks, our history and delicious cocktails.
Discover MARTINI & ROSSI ®Vermouths and Sparkling Wines. Learn more about our Vermouths, vermouth based drinks, our history and delicious cocktails.
Discover MARTINI & ROSSI ®Vermouths and Sparkling Wines. Learn more about our Vermouths, vermouth based drinks, our history and delicious cocktails.
1 part Dry Vermouth [Dolin, Noilly Prat, Martini and Rossi, or Vya all work. If pressed, I prefer Vya’s Dry Vermouth] A dash of maraschino. Do it as if you were doing a rinse. Drop it in, swish it around the glass, pour our any that remains [I said dash! if any comes out...