Fix smiled. “I wasn’t totally certain, but I had a hunch. The culprit had referred to the River Styx. And that tied in my memory with something I’d heard once; Durante or Dante is a word meaning steadfast. And Daniel is a nickname for Durante. He has an obsession with the class...
This will open up more options, meaning you could uncover a less expensive flight to Martinez. Stopover savings The cheapest tickets to Martinez are sometimes those with a stopover. Book one of these flights, and you'll change planes at an airport en route to Martinez. While the overall ...
This will open up more options, meaning you could uncover a less expensive flight to Martinez. Stopover savings The cheapest tickets to Martinez are sometimes those with a stopover. Book one of these flights, and you'll change planes at an airport en route to Martinez. While the overall ...
We just had a wonderful surprise: a research paper that we published last year received the2011 EyeTrackAward, an international science prize that “recognizes research and projects that have generated new knowledge and insights by using eye tracking technology”. The award-winning paper, titled “...
His wrath against the whale is also a wrath against an absent God, against the meaninglessness of existence; but there, in that crucible of hatred and darkness, meaning emerges in the monomaniacal desire to keep going, to shape a future from nothingness. The vastness of his, and our, ...
“esgrima vulgar,”meaning “vulgar fencing” and regarded as haphazard collections of tricks, Carranza sought to devise a scientific approach to swordsmanship. This, he termedla verdadera destreza, which can be loosely translated as “the true art and skill.” Carranza states that he has ...
He showed again that he does not do well when he gets hit to the body, when somebody presses him and is not enamored with the power and can take the power. So, I think he’s in that tricky spot in his career where, if you have a cash out situation, meaning you can say hey, ...,fields:[{name::word_start},{brand::word_middle}]) Exact Matches To match a field exactly (case-sensitive), use:,fields:[{name::exact}]) Phrase Matches To only match the exact order, use: ...
“Dollhouse” was the first thing that started everything really. It was the first toy sound inspired song. It’s describing Cry Baby’s family life and who she is surrounded by. The concept was kind of a double meaning for how I think people view celebrities and artists. You have to ...
soon surface those titles are the ONLY and last updated films you will see Mr. Anaconda in. Meaning when you see these titles don’t go thinking: Look Ricky made a movie but yet he stated he retired. These are movies that were recorded prior to my decision but has not yet hit circulat...