Magnum photographer Martin Parr, the renowned (or infamous, depending on your point of view) British documentary photographer, known for his anthropological-satirical vision of everyday British life.
When they were first displayed in 1984, Parr’s sequence of images of Morris Minors abandonedin fields and yards seemed mostly funny, a brilliantly subversive take on the tradition of Irish landscape painting and photography in which the human presence is erased. They still are, but they also ...
2003 Photo Espana book prize for “Martin Parr, by Val Williams.” 2005 Honorary FRPS. Royal Photographic Society 2006 Eric Solomon Award for Photojournalism, Photokina 2006 Moscow House of Photography, International photography prize 2006 Honorary Masters degree, University of Creative Arts, Farnham 20...
Martin Parr Above Mar Del Plata, Argentina, 2014 from the series 'Beach Therapy' © Martin Parr / Magnum Photos INTHow did you first get into photography? Would you say that your grandfather was your main influence? MPI guess he was. He looked after me, he lent me a camera, we went...
The work of Martin Parr (b. 1952) bridges the divide between art and documentary photography. His studies of the idiosyncrasies of mass culture and consumerism around the world, his innovative imagery and his prolific output have placed him firmly at the forefront of contemporary art. He has al...
Martin ParrJohn Thomsondocumentary photographycolonial photographypostcolonial viewingstill lifeSri LankaBritish Empirestreet photographyseeing coloniallyBritish contemporary photographer Martin Parrs collection 7 Colonial Still Lifes (2005) delivers banal and benign images of remnants of British colonisation in Sri...
Mexico, as a research subject, is not a problem to solve but an opportunity to understand a photographer's work. Parr's Mexico photography (technique, photographic content, and interest in globalization, economics, and culture) is compared to his previous work to explain how Parr uses fashion ...
Since 1985 Martin Parr has been capturing the kitsch culture of seaside resort towns the world over. Starting with the tattered charm of New Brighton near Liverpool in his famous photo essay The Last Resort, the photographer’s anthropological take on beach culture has moved from Englands’ north...
Martin Parr, Sports & Spectatorship © Martin Parr Gig Midnight in Peckham On Saturday, Chaos In The CBD is taking over the new home of The Cause on 60 Dock Road for an eight-hour set of disco, funk and soul (yes, eight hours). The electronic duo have been soundtracking the...
Snaphappy; Martin Parr Finds It Hard to Stop Taking Photographs, Even on Holiday. as a New Exhibition Chronicling 20th-Century Photography Opens at Tate ... S Garratt - Snaphappy; Martin Parr Finds It Hard to Stop Taking Photographs, Even on Holiday. as a New Exhibition Chronicling 20th-Cen...