According to one account, Luther nailed hisNinety-five Thesesto the door ofAll Saints' ChurchinWittenbergon 31 October 1517. Scholars Walter Krämer, Götz Trenkler, Gerhard Ritter, and Gerhard Prause contend that the story of the posting on the door, even though it has settled as on...
This contribution starts with a short overview of the long and varied history of the Palaeontological Collection of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. In the early twentieth Century, it was Johannes Walther who reorganized geosciences in Halle and gave geoscientific collections, including the ...
About 50,000 fossil specimens from the Eocene of Geiseltal, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, have been collected and deposited in the Geiseltal Collection at the Center for Natural Science Collections of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Especially rich in vertebrate and beetle fossils, more than tw...
294| AndreasRehbergweisungen im Reich, wie in Trier, Nürnberg oder eben in Wittenberg, einfanden.⁹⁰MissbrauchvonWundernundAblässenfandüberallstatt.⁹¹WennaberderReformatorbzw.diejenigen,dieseineErinnerungenfesthielten,sogenaueAngabenzudeninRomvorhandenenReliquienmachenkonnten,dieLuthergar nich...
„Psalmfi]",darüberaufderFensterbankliegend„VomAbendmahl",ste-hend„GegendenAblaß"u.„HausPostil".L.hinterLutherderSchwan.- UnterdemBildrechteck2zeil.dt.Legende„D.MartinLuther,istgebohrenzuEisleben,inderGraffschafftMansfeld,Ao.1483.10Novemb.I auchaldaseeliggestorben,Ao.1546,18.Februarij....
演员 关注 代表作 The Bible Revolution 粉丝 暂无 累计票房 暂无 介绍 别名 Dr Martin Treu 身份 演员 作品 (1部) 2007年 The Bible Revolution 演员饰:Self - Lutherhaus in Wittenberg,(as Dr Martin Treu)