Wild Cards IV: Aces Abroad AmazonBarnes & NobleMacmillan PublishingAudio EditionJean Cocteau Cinema (Signed Copy) Forty years after the Wild Card Virus's release, the World Health Organization decides it's time to take a delegation of aces, jokers, politicians, and journalists on a fact-finding...
There’s something about weighing 300+ kg (700+ lbs), having powerful limbs ending in huge claws, big teeth, an ability to run more than 50 kph (30+ mph), and an aggressive attitude that persuasively argued for people to avoid them whenever possible. Lewis and Clark thought they were ba...
At the March on Washington, Bond passed out copies of John Lewis’ speech, which movement leaders made him tone down for fear of offending the president. Listed as “Horace J. Bond” on the roster for King’s class, he disagrees with his old friend and classmate Charles Black. He didn’...