Wikipedia Related to Martin of Tours:Benedict of Nursia,Theodoric,Martin de Porres Mar·tin of Tours (mär′tn, mär-tăN′; to͝or, to͞or), Saintad316?-397? Roman soldier who converted to Christianity, became bishop of Tours (371), and is revered as a patron saint of France...
Define Saint Martin of Tours. Saint Martin of Tours synonyms, Saint Martin of Tours pronunciation, Saint Martin of Tours translation, English dictionary definition of Saint Martin of Tours. Saint ad 316?-397? Roman soldier who converted to Christianity,
St. Martín de Porres ; canonized 1962; feast day November 3) was a Peruvian friar noted for his kindness, his nursing of the sick, his obedience, and his charity. He is the patron saint of social justice, racial harmony, and mixed-race people. Born of a