Martin XB-51[46-685] (John K Lewis coll) Martin XB-51[46-686] B-51, A-451949 = Medium attack bomber. 2pCmwM rg; three 5820# GE J47-GE; span: 55'0" length: 80'0" v: 645 range: 1613 ceiling: 45,000'; ff: 10/28/49. Variable-incidence wing, T-tail. One engine in the...
Following a test flight mishap in 1966 the M-21 aircraft was retired, and alterations were made to allow the modified D-21B drone to launch from under the wing of a B-52 bomber instead. The D-21B had to be outfitted with a large rocket that could propel it up to necessary speeds af...
Martin拥有此物 Road Wheels for FlaK/Nebelwerfer Trailers (Commercial Pattern B) Panzer Art 1:35RE35-209 31 August, 18:13 August 18, 2024 Martin想要这件 M706 Commando Armored Car in Vietnam HobbyBoss 1:3582418 2008 新模具 18 August, 12:51 ...
for further tests and evaluation. Lockheeds prototype was code-named 'Have Blue'. Northrops development, code-named 'Tacit Blue', was eventually discontinued, but the knowledge gained from the project proved to be very valuable a few years later in Northrop's design of theB-2 Stealth Bomber...