第一集的叙事焦点主要集中在朱莉娅·罗伯茨饰演的Martha Mitchell、大表哥饰演的 John Dean、以及西恩·潘饰演的John Mitchell。 John Mitchell是尼克松忠诚的司法部长,他的妻子Martha是一位心直口快、率性而为的政治权力精英群体中的社交名流,John Dean则是没有背景、为了保住职位(甚至渴望升职)而百般谄媚、讨好上司的...
While Watergate remains famous as the scandal that brought down Nixon, a lesser known figure in it was Martha Mitchell. The wife of attorney-general John Mitchell, she tried to expose the coverup but got scorned as delusional. Sure enough, she turned out to be right. ...
The article looks into the political views of Martha Mitchell, wife of Attorney General John Mitchell. Mitchell tags anti-Vietnam war demonstrators as very liberal Communists. She also demands that Senator J. William Fulbright should be crucified by the "Arkansas Gazet...
Review ofThe Martha Mitchell Effect The Martha Mitchell Effect(2022) 7/10 a standup woman 3 March 2023 Greetings again from the darkness. Fifty years have passed, yet the Watergate scandal continues to provide us with stories. Co-directors Anne Alvergue and Debra McClutchy turn their attention...