Marshall Wace TOPS Programme – August 2008 PERFORMANCE TABLEWace, MarshallProgramme, Tops
该投资组合的推出将由 Marshall Wace 亚洲区首席执行官、印度金融科技公司 Niyogin(为小企业提供贷款)的联合创始人 Amit Rajpal 负责。Marshall Wace 仍在与新投资组合中的潜在投资者进行谈判,目前尚不清楚该投资组合的规模。 值得一提的是,Marshall Wace旗下 Tops Market Neutral Fund 截至 5 月底已上涨约11%(注...
报道引述消息指,位于巴黎的Metori资本管理旗下Metori Epsilon多元基金单月回报率4.6%,今年累计回报率升至13.4%。英国对冲基金Marshall Wace旗下的Eureka基金录得2.8%回报,今年累计回报率14.5%。对冲基金的Market Neutral Tops基金上月回报率1.75%,全年回报率21.49%。Winton资本多策略基金回报率0.3%,今年累计回报率8.8%。
Marshall Wace, which recentlymade around €150min a couple of weeks from betting against collapsed German fintech Wirecard, will also filter out stocks in sectors such as adult entertainment, tobacco and weapons. Tops is headed by Anthony Clake, who joined the firm directly from university in 20...
他们提供两种区别明显但是互补的资产管理方法,其一是以股票分析研究为基础的传统、基础的长短仓投资;其二是先锋的、系统的、能够产生高 alpha 值的 MARSHALL WACE TOPS。公司十分强调风险管理,设有独立的风险管理和顾问团队,直接向首席风险官进行汇报,实时监控风险,与基金经理紧密合作。
MWCCF AMERICAS TOPS LONG-ONLY FUND (LEI# 2138009OPHQ7C7D2NM58) is a legal entity registered with . The address is C/O MARSHALL WACE NORTH AMERICA L.P., 350 PARK AVENUE, 18TH FLOOR, New York, US-NY, 10022, US.
Marshall Wace TOPS Program Newsletter - July 2007Shareholders, Dear
The article reportson the 26% gain achieved by hedge fund manager Marshall Wace with its Japan-focused hedge fund in December 2009. About 200 Japanese stocks are invested in the Marshall Wace TOPS Japan Fund. The reasons behind the equity gains are presented. Des Anderson, Marshall Wace Asia ...
Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch and UBS led the deal, which floated a closed-ended investment fund, MW Tops, owned and managed by Marshall Wace. The fund's money will be invested using Marshall Wace's computerised system MW Tops, which cherry-picks the best investment ideas from a range of ...