Marshall McLuhan Full 1979 lecture in Australia – Part 2 of 3 In part 2,McLuhanbriefly (in an answer) gave a high praise toJames Joyce‘sFinnegans Wake. Marshall McLuhan Full 1979 lecture in Australia – Part 3 of 3 In part 3, McLuhan briefly (in an answer) talked about PresidentRi...
Technology affects cognition, and the moral valence of these changes is, for McLuhan, good or bad, depending on one's perspective. In the later seventeenth century, for instance, McLuhan identifies a considerable amount of alarm and revulsion towards the growing quantity of printed books. A few...
The car has become the carapace, the protective and aggressive shell, of urban and suburban man.Marshall McLuhan: Understanding Media Communication The medium is the message.Marshall McLuhan: Understanding Media Names The name of a man is a numbing blow from which he never recovers.Marshall McLu...