AlfredMarshall(1890) PrinciplesofEconomics:an introductoryvolume Written:1890 Source:RodHay'sArchivefortheHistoryofEconomicThought, McMasterUniversity,Canada htmlMarkup:AndyBlunden TableofContents: BookOne:PreliminarySurvey Chapter1:Introduction Chapter2:TheSubstanceofEconomics Chapter3:EconomicGeneralizationorLaws ...
“The most valuable of all capital is that invested in human beings.” An uncannily prophetic quote from an 1890 book, Principles of Economics by Alfred Marshall...
Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics [Marshall, 1890] is well known for its contributions to the theory of value. 1 It is less widely appreciated that the book also contains a well-developed theory of distribution. Just as Marshall's value theory retained a strong classical infusion, ...
内容提示: The Online Library of LibertyA Project Of Liberty Fund, Inc.Alfred Marshall, Principles of Economics (8th ed.)[1890]The Online Library Of Liberty CollectionThis E-Book (PDF format) is published by Liberty Fund, Inc., a private, non-profit,foundation established to encourage study ...
G.F. Shove (1942). “The Place of Marshall’s Principles in the Development of Economic Theory.“ AM wrote “an apologia for economics… a kind of Counter-Reformation” to demonstrate the underlying value of economics, which had been buried in obscure theories. AM wanted economics to “deal...
1.(Biography)Alfred.1842–1924, English economist, author ofPrinciples of Economics(1890) 2.(Biography)George Catlett.1880–1959, US general and statesman. He was chief of staff of the US army (1939–45) and, as secretary of state (1947–49), he proposed the Marshall Plan (1947): Nobel...
University from 1885 to 1908, and was a member of the Royal Commission on Labour in 1891. He became a fellow of the British Academy in 1902. He wrote (in conjunction with his wife)Economics of Industry(1879), whilst hisPrinciples of Economics(1st ed., 1890) is a standard English ...
Alfred Marshall was the Victorian economist whose 1890 book Principles of Economics defined the classical theory of economics. George Marshall was the American general who led the allies to victory in World War Two. As Secretary of State, his name was given to the Marshall Plan for rebuilding Eu...