Gain a 360-degree view of Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc and make more informed decisions for your businessRegister your interest HeadquartersUnited States of America Address1166 Avenue Of The Americas, New York, 10036 ...
Henry Marsh met his future partner and associate, Donald McLennan, in the course of his attempts to secure railroad contracts for his growing insurance agency. McLennan had begun an insurance agency in partnership with L.B. Manley in Duluth, Minnesota, in 1900. Duluth's position on the Great ...
达信公司是Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC) 的子公司。 MMC是一家全球范围的专业服务公司,拥有55,000名员工,年收入约为120亿美元。MMC同时也是佳达再保险有险公司、德安华、百能投资公司以及美世咨询公司的母公司。MMC的股票(上市名称:MMC)在纽约、芝加哥、太平洋和伦敦股票交易市场上市。MMC的网址是 ...
The list below includes all the entities that have signed the Intra-group Agreement and are bound by Marsh McLennan's EU BCRs. Questions regarding the provisions of the EU BCRs should be sent to the following email, with the subject line: "EU BCR Question". The ...
Marsh, the insurance broker and business of Marsh McLennan, has partnered with We2Sure, a specialist in insurance and risk management solutions for carbon credit certificates, to launch a new insurance facility to help organizations in the UK, EU, and US … ...
MY STORY starts on 14 October 2004 when I was sitting in my office in London. I was responsible for the UK arm of global insurance-broking business Marsh & McLennan. On that day, Eliot Spitzer, who was the New York attorney general at th... ...
Marsh&McLennanCompanies,Inc. (Exactnameofregistrantasspecifiedinitscharter) Delaware36-2668272 (Stateorotherjurisdictionof incorporationororganization) (I.R.S.EmployerIdentificationNo.) 1166AvenueoftheAmericas NewYork,NewYork10036-2774 (Addressofprincipalexecutiveoffices;ZipCode) ...
Howard, Lisa S
239、insurance 2023:Year in Alastair LowryCo-Head UK Transactional RiskMarsh is a business of Marsh McLennan.This document and any recommendations,analysis,or advice provided by Marsh(collectively,the“Marsh Analysis”)are not intended to be taken as advice regarding any individual situation and shoul...
A comprehensive health ecosystem needs to address these multiple consumer touch points, to effectively surround particular life stages and situations with the right level of consumer support and engagement. Because CPGs and retailers have existing consumer touch points, trust, and engagement skills, they...