Study: New evidence shows Mars had water; Vast oceans: Planet said to have once had more water than EarthASSOCIATED PRESS
Foryears,Marshasbeenseenas a dry,lifelessplanet.Butthereisgrowingevidencetosuggestthiswasnotalwaysthecase.ScientistshavealreadycollectedevidencesuggestingthatMarsoncehad a lotofwater.Now.Europeanresearcherssaytheyhavediscoveredthefirstevidenceof a hugegroundwatersystemthatonceexistedbelowtheplanet'ssurface.Thestudy...
According the previous studies, a vast volume of water lost to space due to the collision of magnetic field of the planet. It might have locked up as subsurface ice or swept away by high intensity solar winds. However, these theories don’t shed light on where all of the Martian water ...
"And maybe settled out of a standing body of water, such as a lake, and so we're really excited because it's the type of environment microbial life might have thrived in," Mahaffy said. "Probably if this water was around and you had been on the planet, you would have been able to...
Due to its smaller size, Mars has developed much faster than Earth (see Mars Interior). Today it is a desert planet with a tenuous and toxic atmosphere. At the Mars surface, pressure and temperature conditions are below the triple point of water, so water cannot exist in liquid form for ...
When our Homo erectus ancestors were learning how to control fire, water was still flowing on parts of the Red Planet.
阅读理解In space, Mars (火星) has two moons (卫星) -- Phobos and Deimos.Mars is No.4 planet (行星) in our solar system (太阳系) . It is small and comes after Mercury.It's only about half the size of Earth. It is also called the "Red Planet" because it's red! This colour ...
Passage 5Mars is an empty planet, but that could change.Someday, it might have farms where fruit and vegetables could grow.Growing food on Mars has always seemed hard.But scientists think they have found a way to do it. They put sheets of material on the ground. The sheets could change...
The start of the Martian water cycle happens only every two Earth years during summer on Mars’s southern hemisphere. During this brief period, water vapor can rise from the lower atmosphere to the upper atmosphere, from where it is carried by winds to the planet’s North Pole. At the pol...
bench-and-nose landforms — are most likely the remains of ancient riverbeds, built up over long periods of the planet’s history. Although some previous evidence has pointed to the past existence of water on Mars, it hasn’t typically been considered as the...