* Mars, the ruler of Aries, currently in Pisces conjuncts Saturn 16:54 * Venus in Aries at the time of the Eclipse 19:44 * Venus sextiles Pluto in Aquarius 20:10 * Jupiter & Uranus, both in Taurus, moving closer and closer to each other 20:56 * To Sum it all Up for this Sola...
Cafe Astrology explores the meaning or interpretation of Mars conjunct, sextile, trine, square, and opposition Jupiter aspects in the natal chart.
1951 at 10.20am in Akron, Ohio was born with Mars at 12 Leo semi-sextile Uranus at 12 Cancer. Madonna was born on August 16th. 1958 at 7.05am in Bay City, Michigan with Mars at 15 Taurus semi-sextile Hygiea at 15 Gemini. Mars in Taurus. Material Girl! You can be a sweet little...
Venus Conjoined Mars in the Natal Chart People with Venus conjunct Mars are described as temperamental and competitive, with an independent, adventurous streak. Often in childhood they feel more connected to the parent of the opposite sex and this is because the blending of male and female energie...
this Taurus Full Moon conjuncts the very planet in charge of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected Universal energy of Uranus, who is also Retrograde in Taurus. Be ultimately ready to be surprised with shock factors affecting the very root system of our sense of security like we have never see be...
Like him, Love him or Loathe him, President Trump has Mars in Leo and Pluto in Leo. If it makes you feel any better, Hillary Clinton has Mars in Leo as well, only her Mars in Leo conjuncts her Pluto in Leo, both at exactly 14 degrees. That my dear astrotators is 'a powder-keg...
.weishaupt had also pluto in scorpio like goethe too AND sun conjunct uranus (!!!). So then they both had a nice combination scorpio-aquarius – the same thing we now have with pluto in aquarius…now the aquarius says: i am illuminated and so i can manipulate the world. Therefore i ...
Fwb is a Mars-Uranus arrangement, that leaves the female (Venus) out of the picture. Her Venusian wants, and desires are left out of the equation. Uranian energy is discordant, and the fwb arrangement is inconjunct to Venus (Taurus) even though it appeals to a side of Venus (Libra ...
Also, Uranus was simultaneously forming a magnificent grand earth trine (indicating material success) in her horoscope to her natal Saturn and Uranus conjunction in Taurus in her money house and also to her Neptune in Virgo in her sixth house of work. ...
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto station at the squares. But Mars, yeah, it’s further out. It goes basically from one inconjunct sign, 150° away, through the opposition path, over to the other inconjunct sign on the other opposite end. So that’s what it tends to do. CB: Got it. ...