Groundwater once bubbled up from beneath the surface of Mars to form transient, shallow pools before evaporating and leaving behind thick layers of salty minerals, a new computer model suggests. The new model provides an alternative explanation for sulphate-rich "evaporite" deposits discovered on ...
Researchers have spent decades looking for evidence of ancient water onMars. As technology has progressed, more evidence has come to light that rivers, lakes, and even oceans were once abundant on the red planet. Modern Mars is icy and dusty and unlikely to have much liquid water on the sur...
Quasi-dendritic valley systems produced by fluvial erosion are common in the ancient cratered terrain of Mars. Examination of Viking orbiter images shows that the valley networks in some instances debouch into closed depressions which can act as local ponding basins for flow. These topographic lows ...
Canals of Mars, apparent systems of long, straight linear markings on the surface of Mars that are now known to be illusions caused by the chance alignment of craters and other natural surface features seen in telescopes near the limit of resolution. The
water. If microscopic life-forms ever did originate on Mars, there remains a chance,albeita remote one, that they may yet survive in these hidden wateryniches. (In 1996 a team of scientists reported what they concluded to be evidence for ancient microbial life in a piece ofmeteoritethat had...
In a shining example of a problem becoming a solution, a broken wheel on Spirit scraped into the top of the Martian surface, revealing a layer beneath rich in silica that had most likely formed in the presence of water. Curiosity has found yet more evidence of water flowing on ancient ...
Scientists are rethinking a long-held belief that the liquid responsible for shaping Mars' surface must have been water. For decades, evidence like massive outflow channels, ancient river valleys, deltas and lakebeds have suggested Mars had a watery past, as these formations resemble th...
Water was common across a vast region of ancient Mars, creating habitable conditions for long stretches of time billions of years ago, scientists said Thursday. New data reveal water in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars extended across hundreds of thousands of square miles, at least as ground...
study does not prove the contrary,” Roelofs says. “But the emergence of life likely needs a long period where liquid water was present. Previously, we thought that these landscape structures were formed by debris flows driven by water, because of their similarity to debris flow systems on ...
China's Zhurong rover uncovers new evidence of ancient ocean on Mars Technology 22:27, 08-Nov-2024 Tales of winter: The dog on the podium World 10:18, 23-Jan-2025 Tales of Winter: Cowboy on the snowy mountain World 11:34, 24-Jan-2025 MORE FROM CGTN Groundbreak...