Do not say I got married with someone. It is incorrect.这能告诉我们是谁在婚礼上结婚了。不要说marry with某人,这是不正确的。Correct example:I got married to Sam.我嫁给了山姆。04be marriedThis means a state of being. Are you married or are you single?这个表述是告诉人们一种状态。你是已婚...
We think of who was married in the wedding. Do not say I got married with someone. It is incorrect.这能告诉我们是谁在婚礼上结婚了。不要说marry with某人,这是不正确的。Correct example:I got married to Sam.我嫁给了山姆。4be married This means a state of being. Are you married or are...
一、指代不同 1、marry to:把…嫁给。 2、marry with:与…结合。 二、语法不同 1、marry to:marry可用于marry sb to sb/sth结构,意为“(父母)把女儿嫁给某人”或“让…与…结婚”。用于比喻,也可表示“把全副精力用于”。 2、marry with:marry的基本意思是“男婚女嫁”,指(使)男子和女子成为夫妻的行...
不要说marry with某人,这是不正确的。 Correct example: I got married to Sam. 我嫁给了山姆。 04 to be married This means a state of being. Are you married or are you single? 这个表述是告诉人们一种状态。你是已婚的还是你是单身的? Correct Example: I am married. 我已婚。 05 to be marrie...
区别:1、动词不同 marry既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为结婚、嫁、娶,与……结婚等。"marry to"一般用作被动式语句,使用方式为:be/get married to sb,意为与某人结婚。"marry with"一般没有这种用法,表达是错误的。2、表述含义不同 be/get married to sb,意为与某人结婚。
只有 be/get married to sb这一搭配,不存在 with这种搭配。marry with or get married with 都是不对的用法。1、marry 一般不与介词with 连用, 但是它的名词后可以:On her marriage to / with Mr. Smith, Miss Jones became Mrs. Smith.一和史密斯先生结婚,Jones小姐就成了史密斯夫人.2、...
- She is married to John.(她嫁給了約翰。) 二、進階用法: 1. get married:表示結婚的動作,可以用於表示未來的計劃或過去的事件。 - They are getting married next month.(他們下個月要結婚。) - We got married three years ago.(我們三年前結婚了。) 2. married with/to:連接兩個名詞,表示某人的已...
[...] not permit marriage without any just cause, the judge may permit the minor or the person with limited capacity to marry. 第128条规定,法官在听取没有任何合理理由不允许结婚的法定代理人的陈述后, 可允许未成年人或具有有限能力的人 结 婚。
与…结合 be combined with She marries wit with scholarship in her writing.她把才智与学 问融合在写作中。 marry together(v.+adv.) 结合起来 combine together They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines.他们试图将多种科学方法结合起来。 marry 的短语例句: 1. I will return...
marry sb to sb意为“将某人嫁给某人”,可见这个动作的执行者一般不是结婚人自己,多用为“父母将女儿嫁给一位男士”,如:Mr. Lee will marry his daughter to a teacher.李先生将会把女儿嫁给一位教师。marry with是一种比喻用法,类比于男性与女性的结合,所以它的意思是“使(某事物)与另事物...