Marry My Husband revolves around the story of Kang Ji-won, a woman who is terminally ill and, after her death, passes back to the year 2013. The concepts of parallel realities and time loops have been explored effectively in Marry My Husband, where the protagonist gets another shot at her...
Marry My Husband: Creato da Seong So Jak. Con Song Ha-yoon, Lee Yi-kyeong, Gong Min-jung, Choi Gyu-ri. Ji-won è una donna con limiti di tempo, che torna indietro di 10 anni fa e sogna vendetta dopo essere stata uccisa dal marito che aveva una relazione
Marry My Husband: Episodes 3-4 by solstices Signifying the start of her new life, our heroine reinvents herself with a new look and burgeoning assertiveness. She’s finally building a backbone, standing up for herself, and refusing to be treated like a doormat any longer, and it’s gloriou...
Kang Ji-won, a terminally ill cancer patient, is killed by her husband and best friend after she witnesses them having an affair. She wakes up 10 years before the incident and decides to seek revenge with the help of Yu Ji-hyuk, a director at the company where she works. Now, she ...
(Part 2), Hulu, In Cold Blood, JTBC, KBS, Kdrama, Kdramas, Knight Flower, Korean Actors, Korean Drama, Korean Films, Korean Series, Korean TV series, Korean TV shows, Look At Me, Love Song For Illusion, LTNS, Marry My Husband, MBC, Netflix, Queen Of Divorce, SBS, The Bequeathed...
在Apple Music 上收听Vincent Blue的《Marry My Husband (Original Sound Track), Pt.2 - Single》。2024年。2 首歌曲。时长:6 分钟
'Marry My Husband', the latest production from Studio Dragon, has not only captivated domestic audiences but also made waves internationally, etching its name in the annals of K-drama history. Following the global success of 'The Glory' last year, Studio Dragon has reaffirmed ...
>>Netflix《遺贈的秘密》6大亮點!金賢珠從影首次飆髒話演戲、用「煤氣燈效應」探討畸形家庭關係>>《和我老公結婚吧》朴敏英15句心靈格言 !「不只戀愛,以任何形式出現的愛都極其珍貴!」跟朴敏英一起內外皆美 >>IU新歌男友V金泰亨幕後花絮曝光!IU新歌〈Love Wins All〉浪漫圖輯必收!>>《死期將至》結局走向藏...