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Watch《To Marry by Demand of My Husband》online at myTV SUPER! Cast: ... Programme details: 吳明找來世伯投資,請他當公司董事長。兩人對李玫瑰及馬蓮娜有意,展開追求。玫瑰已有未婚夫鄭清河,而娜亦已婚,但河誤會玫瑰變心,竟幫董事長追求玫瑰,娜夫馮威文亦糊里
When asked if she would choose marrying her current husband in her next life and having the appearance she wants, Jiyeon responded, "I pick the first one."She showed affection for her husband, baseball player Hwang Jae Gyun, saying, "I'll marry my husband even if I'm born again...
omg they are making a remake of my husband in taiwan version. i love the japanese version. it is soooooooooooooo good. i just hope the taiwan version is as good as the japanese version. mike is going to be so cute making all those silly faces and act lovey dovey in front of the ...
When Kris mentions how her friend, actressMelanie Griffith, married her ex-husbandDon Johnsontwice, Khloe jokes, "If you're lucky that could be you Lamar." Lamar tells Khloe, "I'll say my prayers." "If you guys ever got married, could we just skip ...